Happy Holidays

At first I was upset that Christmas was on it's way because I had no money to buy presents and I felt a huge sense of obligation to go into debt which I HATE at Christmas time. Then Duke took me out for a day of (reasonably inexpensive) Christmas shopping followed by a day of Christmas photos on the beach. We even made a sand snowman!
Hot Golly! Now I'm in the Christmas mood. Thanks to Duke for restoring my faith in Christmas and Thanks to my friends that supported me during my 3 day X-mas funk.

And Just in case anyone is interested in reading my Christmas poem, here it is


I do want to spend the remaining part of December just hanging out with the people I love. I don't want to spend it in malls, or anywhere my bank card is accepted. Friends- Lets hang out and FROLIC!

1 comment:

sabrina said...

we will have to make frolicking time :)